- Divide players into teams of two, three or four
- Divide the Booyah! Cards evenly between the teams
- Shuffle the remaining cards and lay them face down
- Nominate one person from each team to ask the first 10 questions for their own team
- Moving clockwise, each team takes turns drawing a card and asking a question to their own team
- Questions to be answered within 60 seconds
- Only the first answer counts so make sure you work as a team
- If a team guesses correctly, they get points
- Out of time? An opposing team can quickly throw in their Booyah! card if they think they know the answer
- If no team is able to guess correctly, the card is discarded and the game continues with the next team
- The team with the most points after all cards are used at the end of the game wins
Want to add a twist?
- To make it even more fun, add a penalty for a team that guesses incorrectly, such as playing that song and performing a signature dance move
- Add bonus points for teams that can sing more of the lyrics after guessing correctly
So, let your hair down, pop on your neon windbreaker, and get ready to party like it’s 1999! Feel free to create your own rules, there are no boundaries, just good times and rad memories.
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- Search for "90s Lyric Challenge", click on the product and find the button "Write a review".
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